Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Life of Pi

Life of Pi.  Go see this now. Run, do not walk, to do so. Will talk more later.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Men In Black 3 (MIB3)

Men in Black 3 comes out on video, (11/30/2012) and while I generally say that sequels are never as good as the first, this one does not fail to entertain.  Agent J (Will Smith) travels in time to MIB's early years in the 1960s, to stop an alien from assassinating his friend Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) and changing history. The greatness of this movie has always been Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones interaction but this movie has a twist that makes it stand out - you get to meet young Agent K played by Josh Brolin. Great movie if you were a fan of the others or event if this is your first MIB.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Step Up Revolution

Step Up Revolution

This is why reality TV sucks.  I watched this movie with my wife and while the dances were amazing, the storyline was unimaginative and the characters did not make me care at all about what was going on.  This is what you get when you take reality TV stars and make a movie - something that makes you wish you had your 2 hours back.  Watch it for the dancing - it was really exciting and new.  To make it interesting, think up a drinking game for the lousy plot.

Saturday, November 24, 2012


ParaNorman is an animated movie that came out to theaters in 2012.  With its upcoming release to video, the time seemed ripe for review. 

I watched this movie on my TV - it seemed clearly designed for the 3D big screen.  The special effects seemed lost on the small screen.  The other thing that stood out was that it was pretty creepy for an animated movie.  Bad idea to set up your target audience (kids) to wet the bed for a week. 

I enjoyed the animation - not all shiny, Disney-like, and happy.  It was gritty and felt old school when it clearly was not.  It did bother me, as it does in most made for 3D movies, that scenes shouted "Hey look me! I am going to jump into your lap."  Without the 3D experience available, these scenes seemed overdone.  Some of the scenes were pretty heavy on the dialogue and I found myself drifting off from the movie. (mostly thinking about what if i should have another slice of pumpkin pie.)

Overall this movie was watchable - I did not turn it off - but I am not a fan.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Terminal

The Terminal (2004) staring Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta-Jones was on TV the other night.  Tired and hungry, I was ready for bed, but found myself glued to the screen at 1:30am and glad i stayed up.
Tom Hanks plays Victor Navorsky, a traveler to the US. He finds out that upon arrival that his country ceased to exist while in the air.  As a citizen of no country, he is not allowed a visa into the US or to fly back home. He is stuck in the NY airport terminal.  As the movie progresses you get to know this character and start to root for him against the OCD airport directer played by Stanley Tucci.

With the Quirkiness of Tom Hanks and set in a place I find fascinating, (airport Terminals in general) I love this movie.  Are there explosion and car chases or crazy CGI special effects? No.  Reviewers have complained that the plot is not plausible and has holes in it but who cares? It is a solid, if not well received, movie that enchants you with its charm and unique style.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Home for the Holidays

In tribute of turkey-day i want to talk about my favorite thanksgiving movie. Now as you might be aware there are 345151351515(approx) Christmas movies to date but not many thanksgiving movies to choose from.  Although I am a big fan of Charlie Brown, Home for the Holidays is the movie that really resonates with me.

This is the time of year that we all "look forward" to going home and spending time with the people who have tormented us the most in our lives - our parents and siblings.  This movie captures the agony of spending time with people that, although we love with all our hearts, we could most likely choke out at the dinner table.  

Funny and heartwarming and very very uncomfortable, (in a good way) find this thanksgiving classic Home for the Holidays today!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Twilight breaking dawn 2

Twilight movies have been a epic phenomenon to millions of teenage girls over the past few years.  Somehow it even made Kristen Stewart a memorable actress.  While I am not either a teenager or female, i am a fan. I devoured all the books before the movies started filming. My wifey and I stood in line and went to the newest installment opening night.  The at 1030 pm time slot for the premier  was genius as teenagers packed the theater. Giggling and phone screens tittered and twinkled building up to the start. A (relative) quiet hush fell in the room as the sparkle vampires made their curtain call. It did not disappoint. Fans and newcomers alike will be delighted with the plot as it followed the book but the twists were enough to surprise and delight even the most twi hard in the room. I have been to Forks; a  nice little wide spot in the road that has become a mecca for fans, but even the casual moviegoer will not walk out disappointed.