Friday, November 23, 2012

The Terminal

The Terminal (2004) staring Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta-Jones was on TV the other night.  Tired and hungry, I was ready for bed, but found myself glued to the screen at 1:30am and glad i stayed up.
Tom Hanks plays Victor Navorsky, a traveler to the US. He finds out that upon arrival that his country ceased to exist while in the air.  As a citizen of no country, he is not allowed a visa into the US or to fly back home. He is stuck in the NY airport terminal.  As the movie progresses you get to know this character and start to root for him against the OCD airport directer played by Stanley Tucci.

With the Quirkiness of Tom Hanks and set in a place I find fascinating, (airport Terminals in general) I love this movie.  Are there explosion and car chases or crazy CGI special effects? No.  Reviewers have complained that the plot is not plausible and has holes in it but who cares? It is a solid, if not well received, movie that enchants you with its charm and unique style.

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